Electrokare Privacy Policy

We at ElectroKare are dedicated to keeping your information private. When you use our mobile application, we will collect, use, and protect as described in this Privacy Policy. 
1.1 Data That We Gather When you utilize the ElectroKare application features or complete your account profile, we may gather personal information about you, including your name, birthday, gender, height, weight, and electrolyte supplement/drink preference. When you use our services that gather data from mobile device sensors, or when you perform or biometric data we gather that to make diagnostics. Whether it is utilizing or interacting with a wearable technology or other linked gadget. Either when we leverage and/or collect cookies, device IDs, Location, data from the environment, and other tracking technologies we have every type of information.
2.1 How your information is used by us: Your personal information may be used by us to better serve you, connect with you, tailor your experience, and send you news and marketing materials, and provide feedback about your health and performance.
3.1 ‍Information Exchange Without your permission, we never trade, sell, or otherwise disclose your personal information to outside parties, with the exception of what is specified above. Therefore, when we comply with legal requirements or obligations, law enforcement, and for public safety purposes (location-specific disclosures may apply)
4.1 Information Security To prevent unwanted access or data breaches, user data that is saved locally on the device is encrypted, and only authorized users can access important information within the app.
5.1 ‍Modifications to This Privacy Statement We maintain the right to modify our privacy statement at any time. When we update the Privacy Policy on this page, your continuing use of the ElectroKare application will be considered your acknowledgement of those changes and your agreement to follow and be bound by the updated terms.
6.1 Legal Basis for Processing If you live outside of the US, this section discusses the legal justification for processing your data (in the US, consent is normally given when you visit a website or download an app that notifies you of this privacy policy). Depending on the circumstances or service, more than one legal basis may apply, hence certain processing is covered in more than one section.
6.2 For the Performance of a Contract To carry out our contractual obligations to you in relation to the Services, such as creating an account, completing purchases you've made through the Services (including processing payment), getting in touch with you regarding any problems regarding the Services, when you use or interact with a wearable or other connected device, and in relation to location-based Services (such as offering you services that are relevant to your location), connecting you with friends on different platforms. 
6.3 To Meet Legal Obligations To help with an investigation or to abide by laws, rules, court orders, or other legal duties.
6.4 For Legitimate Interests To run our company and deliver the Services for Electrokare legitimate interests" under applicable law, unless those interests are superseded by fundamental freedoms and rights that demand the protection of Personal Data.
6.5 Communication To interact with you regarding the Services, including to notify you of significant modifications to our terms and to respond to your requests, questions, and grievances.
‍6.6 Respond to Your Requests To reply to any correspondence you start or for technical assistance, online services, product information, etc. This covers gaining access to your account to handle requests for technical assistance.
6.7 Surveys To send you surveys regarding our services, unless they are commercial in nature. If you have granted us permission to send you marketing materials in those circumstances, you might receive a survey request.
‍6.8 Compliance with Law and Public Safety To support the investigation of alleged unlawful or improper activities, including exchanging data with other organizations in order to prevent fraud, loss, and criminal conduct. to safeguard and defend our property, rights, and the safety of others.
Improvement and Development In order for you to utilize the entire spectrum of our services (such as the processing of non-sensitive Personal Data pertaining to your usage or interaction with a wearable or other connected device), we must create, provide, enhance, and improve both our services and your experience. 
6.10 Enforcing Terms and Notice To uphold agreements with third parties, our terms, and this privacy statement.
6.11 Merger or Acquisition In order to facilitate the completion of the necessary due diligence before deciding whether to move forward with a transaction, to support a planned or actual re-organization of our business, or in connection with financing, a sale, or another transaction involving the disposal of all or part of our business or assets.

Our App uses machine learning models to turn ECG signals into accurate, actionable electrolyte information. Using our app, an athlete or patron can know how many electrolytes they've lost at any point in their workout and know exactly how to replenish them. We use established medical research to provide health recommendations, not medical diagnosis. The core of our electrolyte tracking technology uses ECG signals, we need to use the EKG functionality to give our users results.
7.1 ECG: 
The core of our technology relies on the ECG, by reading the user's ecg we can determine their electrolyte levels. We will feed the EKG through our models then provide results. 
7.2 Accelerometer: The Accelerometer data is crucial to understanding exertion and providing in-app activity data to have our users track all of their information in one app. 
7.3 Heat Rate: Heart rate will serve to index and verify our ECG data, by matching ECG's to established heart rate data our models become more accurate and our data becomes cleaner.

Data Deletion Request: If you would like your personal data and history deleted from our records, send an email to "admin@electrokare.com" with your username, full name and account email with the subject: "{your username} Data Deletion Request"