Our Team
ElectroKare will change the way you monitor your health. Currently, your electrolyte levels remain a mystery until it is too late, we bridge that disconnect by helping you track your levels to better understand what your body needs. Our software tells you when to hydrate, when to rest, and when to seek help.
Mitchell Leshchiner
Mitchell serves as the Chief Executive Officer at ElectroKare, overseeing numerous research and development projects, fostering the company’s culture, and crafting a strategic long-term vision and market plan for Electrokare.
Mitchell has a background in Econometrics and Quantitative Economics, Computer Science, and Health Technology at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Mitchell brings a variety of knowledge and expertise through his experiences as a professional athlete, Investment Banker, consultant, and founder. His previous company was a marketplace that scaled to 6-figure ARR for 2 years. His passion for investing into startups and larger companies has led him to be an Angel investor and a incubator fund operator as well.
Josh Malinkovich
Josh is the Chief Technology Officer at ElectroKare, responsible for developing the company’s technical product and overseeing the development team. Josh is pursuing a B.S. in Bioengineering and a minor in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Josh has been involved with software development and entrepreneurship since his earliest years, when he created a website development startup; throughout his education, he taught himself programming languages and techniques as required in order to create his crypto startup, BitCombine, as well as his other projects, which have given him a broad range of experience across different applications of computer science to real world problems. He also served as the CTO of venture-backed Nephra.

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